Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The never ending wait.......

My day starts of with waiting for the alarm to ring. I'm not exactly a lazy person. Its just that inspite of being an early riser the Bangalore weather does not permit me to get out of bed all that soon. And it also does not sound cool to be called an early riser. In turn i end up waitin until 6.30 am to jump out of bed.

Once i'm ready to leave i wait for the apartment lift to arrive at my floor. It so happens that exactly at the time i take the lift, somebody in the 13th floor( that's 6 levels above mine) takes it. And i end up staring at the closed doors of the lift for the next ten mins.

And then comes the best part- the wait for the buses. All the empty buses are heading to other destinations and the one I have to take is the most crowded one. There is no place to even set foot on, so forget sitting. And on the one odd day i get to sit, even while i'm rejoicing at my luck there's an old lady who gets into the bus and everyone in the bus including driver and conductor pounce on me to get up, with all due respects to the old woman i 'sacrifice' my seat.

Nevertheless one thing that's synonymous to Bangalore's name is its traffic. One particular stretch of road that i use takes half an hour to clear. Every other lane joining the road or even the parallel ones appear traffic-less. There starts my wait for the traffic to clear.

And once i reach, the college lift is an entirely new story. There are 4 lifts out of which only one or a maximum of two is functioning at any given time. The result is that at any given time there are 20 people waiting for a lift that accomodates 8. Consider days when patient inflow is particularly good and the lift has a field day;)

Over to canteen, where the wait for the food to arrive is directly proportional to your hunger. And it so happens that on lucky days it does arrive early only for you to realise that that there are no spoons. Read in reverse order and you get my evening schedule. This is the reason why i'm so happy to be back home at the end of the day. I just can't wait to watch tv or read the paper. I shall end it here and not make you wait any longer!

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